In May of 1992, Pastor Ted and his wife Brenda started a church in their Menifee, California living room with four people. Over the next 15 years, by God’s grace, they watched in amazement as that church grew to over 6,000 people! God had done amazing things in both their lives and the church over those 15 years, but he wasn’t finished. In January of 2007, God called them to step out on a new venture of faith to plant Reliance Church.
Once again, there were four people in their living room (now in Temecula, California) and once again, God showed Himself faithful. Over the next few months, God added to the group and in May of that same year, they moved into the sanctuary of a local church, took the name Reliance Church, and began weekly services on Sunday nights, modeling the services after the first century church depicted in the Book of Acts:
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers… And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42 & 47b) Reliance Church was founded on the four pillars of Acts 2:42 – Teaching the Bible, connecting the people to God & one another in loving relationship, breaking bread in communion as Jesus commanded, and praying together – the church continued to grow.
We soon moved into a leased building where we could offer Sunday morning services and later into the Linfield Christian School Gymnasium when we outgrew our leased facility.
God continued to prove Himself faithful and near the end of 2014, Temecula Community Church merged into Reliance Church adding further to our growth. This merger brought with it the added benefit of church property on Santiago Road. Reliance finally had a place to call home and hold all kinds of midweek gatherings. The property also allowed us to build a new church campus to house the church. In November of 2015, the City of Temecula approved our conditional use permit to build a new sanctuary & classrooms and construction of Phase 1 was completed in August, 2018.
Also in 2018, the Lord brought Cross Culture Church, then meeting at the former Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta, to merge with Reliance Church, adding to the church once again.
As we look to future, we continue to rely on Jesus, teach the Bible chapter-by-chapter & verse-by-verse, and focus on leading people to know, love and serve Jesus.